Freezing : Episode 8

Ahh, the stupid filling episode that has no reason to exist. Just gave us more fan-service and let them cheap out of having to animate a fight. Really this annoys me mostly because we could have had some actually character development between characters or general doing normal school stuff this Read more…

Gosick : Episode 6

Ok, this was a really good episode. Might be one of the best I’ve watched thus far. We are finally getting some really good character development for Victorique that I have been waiting for awhile. Going to learn about her backstory and her family and even more. Along the way Read more…

Gosick : Episode 5

Another episode, another sorta mystery. I say sorta because can it really be a mystery if it was solved within just a couple minutes. Normally I feel characters that solve the mystery have this build-up as they are walking through solving the problems and explaining what is happening. But not Read more…