Golden Time : Episode 10

Current Episode Score: 6 This was a strange episode, and I don’t really understand how this started out at all. He momentarily reverts or merges with Ghost Banri. Goes to confess his love for Linda, and than bangs his head and swaps back to normal Banri. And than finally gets Read more…

Golden Time : Episode 9

Current Episode Score: 7 Been awhile since my last episode, like 2 months. But gonna try and get back into it. Don’t hate this show or anything, actually really enjoy it, just haven’t felt like watching a lot of stuff recently. But onto this episode, really was a flashback and Read more…

Golden Time : Episode 8

Current Episode Score: 7 Well that was a pretty interesting episode. And makes it pretty obvious that both Banri and Linda liked each other in high school. And Linda just said she wasn’t going to go out with Banri on the balcony to hopefully let him move forward. I do Read more…