Golden Time : Episode 9

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Been awhile since my last episode, like 2 months. But gonna try and get back into it. Don’t hate this show or anything, actually really enjoy it, just haven’t felt like watching a lot of stuff recently.

But onto this episode, really was a flashback and history focused episode. Expanding more on Ghost Banri’s feelings for Linda, and the various regrets he has. Along with how he wishes he could have changed things, and hoping he could fix them eventually. And than suddenly Ghost Banri apparently gets the opportunity. Don’t really understand the mechanics behind it, given ghosts and supernatural stuff isn’t very logical to start. But it seems Ghost Banri somehow managed to take over Banri’s body somehow, at least temporarily. And I’m guessing is going to go forward and try to meet up with Linda and confess to her.

Main question is, how long does this form last for. And how do you convince everyone you were a ghost 30min ago and just now regained a body. Plus how will Linda react, I don’t think it will be all that positive. Linda seems like she has worked very hard, and still trying to work hard, to separate new Banri from old Banri. Knowing that new Banri just doesn’t have the same experiences and relationship with Linda. And Banri suddenly showing up and confessing his love for Linda I feel would just break her.

Categories: AnimeFall 2013