Symphogear G : Episode 13

Current Episode Score: 6 And in typical fashion for the final episode, everyone coming together and basically being friends solved the issue. And worked to save the world together and stop the evil doctor. It was a fine ending, and I don’t really have any issue with it at all. Read more…

Symphogear G : Episode 10

Current Episode Score: 6 So generally this episode, we have a brainwashed Miku who was forcibly implanted with the gear. A special gear that will have enough power/correct abilities to unlock whatever Frontier is. Still not really sure what that thing is or what exactly it will do. I guess Read more…

Symphogear G : Episode 9

Current Episode Score: 6 The motivations of the characters by this point is just so lost to me. Isn’t this entire thing based around stopping the moon from falling, than what is the point of literally everything else. Or is it more of just a revenge story at this point. Read more…

Gatchaman Crowds : Episode 11

Current Episode Score: 6 This was a strange episode with some strange decisions. With only a single episode left, and still no resolution to dealing with Berg. They decided to spend half the episode essentially doing a flashback and overview of how Hajime has changed the lives of the various Read more…

Gatchaman Crowds : Episode 10

Current Episode Score: 7 So now everyone is working together to solve the issue, or at least delay for awhile. Putting forward their best hero act to save everyone in the city and defend the Prime Minister. While also discovering/using a method Rui told them about to stop Crowds without Read more…

Symphogear G : Episode 7

Current Episode Score: 7 So as we know Hibiki is very powerful, but really shouldn’t keep using her powers at the moment. But as we saw, all she really wants is to protect others and not let other people she knows die. Even if they are technically enemies, she doesn’t Read more…