Golden Time : Episode 10

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

This was a strange episode, and I don’t really understand how this started out at all. He momentarily reverts or merges with Ghost Banri. Goes to confess his love for Linda, and than bangs his head and swaps back to normal Banri. And than finally gets a typical anime fever which is somehow 1000x worse than most fevers somebody would get. So I don’t know if the Ghost Banri swap was related to the fever, or just strong emotions, or why it swapped again. Just all very confusing.

Also man Kouko is still such a strong and overbearing girlfriend to Banri, and I’m still wondering when that will become an issue. She is trying to open up more, and be more understanding and less possessive of Banri it seems. But I don’t know if that is actual progress, or just good acting as mentioned this episode.

Categories: AnimeFall 2013