Little Busters! : Episode 1

Current Episode Score: 6 Don’t really know what to make of this first episode, it all just felt kinda random and unfocused. Seemed to jump between ideas and topics and locations very quickly and almost at random. I never really got invested in a single thing in this episode. Possibly Read more…

Shinobi no Ittoki : Episode 1

Current Episode Score: 6 I don’t really know if I’m gonna stick with this show to be honest. This might be my first drop of the season depending on episode 2. This first episode feels like it was built purely around the shock and surprise value in him suddenly learning Read more…

Code:Breaker : Episode 1

Current Episode Score: 6 I’m kinda interested in where this show goes, but also I’m not really sure. I don’t feel like I have much confidence the show will work out. I’m getting a feeling this will be a typical anime adaption from the time, in which this long manga Read more…