JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

I am going to have to assume the show gets much better in a short period of time. Because nothing that happened in this episode really grabbed me at all, or kept my interest. I’m not really interested in the world or the setting, it hasn’t developed that at all and it doesn’t seem interesting from the start. I don’t like any of the characters, nobody is enjoyable to watch at all. And the visual style doesn’t really do much for me, it is different. But I can’t say it is all that great to look at.

I’ve seen this show get a whole bunch of memes produced from it, so I figured I would get some decent comedy from it. But in this first episode there wasn’t a single thing that made me laugh or enjoy the moment. I’m gonna give it a bit longer to see if it develops soon into something I actually like.

Categories: AnimeFall 2012