Gosick : Episode 15

Been while since I watched the previous episode, so time to get back into it. And with that finish up the mystery that was started in the previous episode. As normal, gets wrapped up pretty quickly and easily. And as normal Victorique is the only one who really plays a Read more…

Gosick : Episode 13

Interesting episode with a nice set-up for what I’m hoping will be a reversal. Were it might be possible that Kujou can actually fully assist Victorique in solving the mystery instead of just being the random side character. But whatever happens with this, I think it will be interesting. It Read more…

Gosick : Episode 12

That was a very sweet episode, and I just loved it. The characters really do make up the best parts of the show, and the relationship between Victorique and Kujou is of course the main draw. So when we get a good focused episode on just the two of them Read more…

Gosick : Episode 11

This definitely feels like another set up episode for whatever is coming up next. We have the set-up for the deeper relationship between Victorique and Grevil, and the mystery behind this the nicknames and why they act the way they do. Meanwhile I am looking forward to how Kujou helping Read more…

Gosick : Episode 10

Well I am pleasantly surprised how much I liked the events in this episode. We got to see Kujou being fully competent and working to solve issues largely without Victorique. Along with bringing some stuff back to Victorique to help get her back on his good side. I’m looking forward Read more…