Ex-Arm: Episode 3

Published by ThyMrMan on

I think this will be my last episode of this show. I can manage to overlook the terrible visuals, after all it wouldn’t be the first time. I’ve watched many shows over the years that look terrible.

But the story just isn’t very good at all. Nothing feels original or interesting enough to grab and keep my attention. They are also jumping between locations and story-lines incredibly quickly. Without any set-up at all about what it going to be happening in the episode.

The characters as well, just aren’t very enjoyable to be with. Akira just feels like a kid who is somehow involved in all of this. And also hasn’t really been developed based on what has happened to him, you have just been thrown into the far future in a robot brain. But we never get a real breakdown or acceptance of this fact, he is just chill with it and goes on to beat up people. And the rest of the cast doesn’t make up for Akira. Overall, just not seeing much in this to keep me watching.

Categories: Anime