The Future Diary: Episode 2

Published by ThyMrMan on

God this show is stupid, and not in an enjoyable stupid kind of way. What was up with all those bombs, how was she hiding all those missiles in her dress, what was up with that motorcycle? None of the shit that happened in this episode made any bit of sense at all. This was all just so damn stupid.

The worst part for me, it actually the main character. Yukki is just an unbelievable annoying character, and represents literally everything I hate in an anime protagonist. He is just a whiny character with no goals or desires of his own. And I can’t see him in his current form actually ever accomplishing anything at all, and surviving by using other characters and dumb luck. I’m gonna give him till, hmmmm 26 episode show, lets say episode 5 to change. If by episode 5 he is not a better character that doesn’t make me infuriated to watch I will drop this show without hesitation.

Categories: AnimeFall 2011