86 EIGHTY-SIX Season 2: Episode 1
It will be interesting to see if the issues I have with this show are solved with this second season. Those main issues being the world building part of the show, and not with the characters. I liked the characters mostly, they were just fine. And I liked the visuals and the music as well.
But man, the world-building part was just terrible and did not form a functional and believable world at all. A walled city under constant siege that is also burning through troops and supplies at unbelievably high rates has no right to still exist. And to continue to exist and grow or at least maintain it’s current levels. No matter how great or powerful or large a nation is, eventually you will run out of men to throw at the issue and your manufacturing will be unable to keep up with the demands.
This season seems to be trying to solve those issues somewhat, by giving us a brand new nation to learn about. That on the surface seems to be the complete opposite of the Republic, one that has reasonable leadership and understands how to fight a long war. But this is the same author who created that Republic in the first season, so expectations are just above rock bottom.
Outside of that stuff, Lena is being set up for some interesting developments it seems. Between seasons she has decided to try and rebuild the military and defenses. Locating like minded individuals who believe in what she does, and is trying to turn things around. Of course it is all undermined by the world building issues I have issues with, so I don’t know how much it will actually do for me.