Ex-Arm: Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Full CGI Anime, seen some good and some bad. And got mixed views on them all. Normally what caries it for me is the story and characters. If you can give me a good story and good characters I can easily overlook your terrible visuals.

Now from what I saw from the first episode, I’m not sure about this show. The characters aren’t amazing from the get go, they haven’t pulled me into the show and made me love them. The story isn’t that amazing yet, in fact I’m kinda lost with it. Kid has a discussion with his brother, goes to the store and dies to suddenly be reawakened years later as a robot brain learning that he was some type of military robot in the past? Not the most amazing start to a show.

You know what always disappoints me with full cgi anime. How out of date the whole thing feels. This happens in every single one I have ever watched. It feels like the whole thing hasn’t progressed much beyond what was possible in 2010. At some point I have to stop and say look, if you aren’t going to advance with the times and technology, just give up and stop trying.

Categories: Anime