KanColle : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

So this is the second show I’ve watched recently about little girls becoming warships following Arpeggio, which is very odd that it happened twice. Like I’m unsure why Japan really liked this idea, but I guess I’ll give this show a go and see how this gacha adaption goes. And honestly I think it is a bit odd how early this gacha adaption happened, I’m not sure if I’ve watched another one that was made before this even though it is much more common now.

As for whatever is actually happening with this first episode, will need some more time to understand this show. The girls are somehow born with the ability to transform/adapt into specific warships and fight against some aliens. Don’t really understand how that happens, or if anybody actually cares. But I will be interested to see if there is a larger story that takes place over this season.