Gun Gale Online II : Episode 6

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

What exactly is that ending of the episode, like seriously? Talk about an unnecessary scene that really adds nothing at all, like this overly long and drawn out scene of M getting strangled. While everyone just kinda stands around and watches, meanwhile M doesn’t put up any fight at all. And for what, what is the end goal of this season at all. They apparently don’t want this to be a team based season at all, so why start it off in teams. If your just going to get rid of the various team mates and teams that don’t add anything outside of the random conflict between Karen and Pito that is happening again. Honestly this season just doesn’t work for me at all. And it is part of the reason it is taking me so long to finish it out. I’m just not enjoying it.

Categories: AnimeFall 2024