Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Been awhile since I last wrote about any of the shows, just didn’t feel like it. But had to write some thoughts down about this episode of Mayonaka Punch. A show that I have absolutely loved the entire time, but it is now yet another original show I am very worried about the conclusion of. I am left once again looking at a final episode with far too much that needs to be resolved, and just not enough time. With them needing to wrap up the Live missing story, the vampire mom issue, the Ai history plot that was just created, some final development between Masaki and Live finally, along with hitting 1mil subs and whatever this vampire livestream thing is. Just once again I’m left with the feeling that the pacing is wrong, and far too much has been shoved into a single episode to resolve the show. And once again I’m left with the question, why? Why does this always happen, there is no hard rule every show must be 12 or 13 episodes. Why does nobody just make a show with the required number of episodes to tell their full story?