Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Half way through the show now, and man this was a great episode. Some really great character development for Ichiko and the rest of the gang, with Ichiko’s backstory along with showing how much the cast really do care for each other. They might be a slightly dysfunctional family, but they are still a family regardless. Plus the episode gives a solid end-point for the show and an actual reason to try and make the channel work outside of Masaki’s and Live’s wishes. I’m really interested to see how things go from here, I’m going to assume at some point Maskai’s old friends come back into the story to help wrap up her arc, which might also help them achieve the larger goal of 1 mil subs.

Also we got that background about vampires and how you become one, which is interesting. Not sure why vampires would want to go around making more, seems like an odd thing to force someone to become. Do vampires gain something when they convert somebody? But also will we eventually see Maskai get transformed in a similar way at the end, or is she going to stick human the entire show.