Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night : Episode 11

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

So the Kiui event has wrapped up in a pretty big way. And that will definitely become some viral video that lasts a day or two and than vanish again. Though it is interesting to see her viewpoint, and just general thoughts about the persona she created. Honestly never even thought about her v-tuber personality being a male character given how common that type of stuff is.

Also good to se Mahiru adapt and adjust her art as needed, but not give up on what she wants. She doesn’t want to just make somebody else’s artwork or creation. But wants to do something herself with her own feelings and personality involved with it.

Now we are going into the final episode, and I don’t really feel like it will wrap up everything I would want. It isn’t nearly as bad as some of the other original shows I’ve watched, but the pacing still feels a tad off. They wanted to fit all these character stories and arcs in, and I just don’t know if they managed to pull it off. You have somebody like Mei who I feel like has been completely forgotten about on the character development front. But also interpersonal stories like the obvious romance between Mahiru and Kano has just been forgotten about and sidelined for Kiui’s story. Or the relationship between Kano and her Mother, they are finally going to meet and interact again in the final episode without nearly all the build up I would want. Or how about the girl Kiui meet and became friends with, what role did she fill as she never came up again.

Just really feels like the show had far more stories it wanted to tell and expand on that it couldn’t in this time frame. Just handled it better than many, but still fell into the same traps. I know this now has a manga adaption, and I wonder if they will use that to expand and fix many of these pacing issues from the anime.