Blue Archive The Animation : Episode 9

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

So Kaiser is trying to get everything out here to find some ancient treasure buried in the desert. But nobody actually knows what exactly is out here. Or if it even exists. And than there is this ongoing story with the debt, which I still find a bit convoluted. Just don’t really see where the debt story is going without something major happening to kinda deus ex machina a solution out of nowhere. Cause they haven’t exactly set up a larger government or banking situation that would deal with these situations.

That kinda leads me into a different question, why does there seem to be no larger force caring about the fact this entire city has been taken over by a desert? Like I feel like it should have been a major situation with billions thrown into solving the issue while it was happening at the start. But apparently everyone decided it was easier and cheaper to just leave.