Mekakucity Actors : Episode 9

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Well this episode improved things a good amount, in that it actually explained what is going on with the show. I’ve been confused for awhile, but things are making a bit more sense now. There is a Medusa that existed in the past, but no longer exists in the physical world. And essentially Medusa’s children are trying to bring her back to the real world, but it is a trial and error process involving killing kids until they find people who are compatible. Or at least I think that is what was stated in the episode.

Takane was one of these people, but in the process got split from her physical body and placed in cyberspace while her real body lives on. Which gives me hope that maybe they will be able to rejoin the two at some point, but who know. I’m glad we are getting these details, but it is really late for it. Like we just don’t have much time to do much with the story at this point, and I’m fairly certain the ending will just be to convince you to go experience the other content they made for the world.