Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night : Episode 9

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

After a bit of a break, time to finish this show up. And coming back to the conflict between Mahiru and Kano. And man Kano has some serious issues that she needs to work through, and ends up taking it all out on Mahiru. Honestly hurts because of how little it is Mahiru’s fault, she wanted to take a big job and try doing something bigger than the small videos she normally does. And just happened to become the conflict point between Kano and her Mom and some old unresolved issues. Really they just all need to sit down and talk things out, Kano needs to just explain her viewpoint on the issue and Mahiru needs to understand the issues Kano has.

We also get to learn how the whole Kano leaving the original group started. And honestly I’m conflicted with the whole thing, but it really paints Kano in a bad light. She really handled the whole situation very poorly, it should have all been resolved behind closed doors as a group discussion. Sure Melo isn’t a great person for leaking the private lives of people, but Kano was also snooping on her phone. At the same time, Kano’s mother Yukine is also with fault here, she really isn’t that great of a mother. It really feels like she was trying to turn Kano into her imagine and have her do things she maybe didn’t want to, because that was Yukine’s dream and not Kano’s.

Honestly don’t know how this will all play out here. But it is the drama I expected would be showing up eventually in the show. Though I can’t say I love it, part of me was going to be very happy if the show just didn’t have drama. Like why can’t we have a simple story of idols and trying to reconnect with family and rediscover things you love without the added drama aspects. Is the drama coming in this late really adding anything, and does it really have time to finish out in time to let it all be satisfying and not rushed.