86 EIGHTY-SIX : Episode 7

Published by ThyMrMan on

Ah, so it as expected. That unit is nothing but a way to get rid of soldiers they weren’t able to get rid of normally, so they now starve to death. Honestly, the info we learned this episode doesn’t change much for me. The revelations weren’t new or anything, just confirming expectations.

And of course this wraps back around to the incompetence of the Republic commanders inside the walls. In any normal logical army your most important troops are the senior troops. Who have fought time and time again for you, and are loyal to you. They are the best trained, and you can pull your leadership from them directly with ease. But by flipping the normal, senior troops are eliminated while grunts are treated better. You ruin any possible loyalty growth that would help keep the general army on your side. All that training and battlefield awareness that can’t be trained is lost, so your casualty numbers are even higher than previously, and they just start to snowball. More year 1 grunts leading year 1 grunts dying in massive numbers, a situation that is only recoverable from if you have a large enough army causalities don’t matter.

Now a bit of theory time for the upcoming episodes. I wonder what Lena is going to do with this information. Honestly I’m worried for her. As things progress it does seem like she will start becoming a bit unhinged maybe, not fully thinking things through and only focusing on saving her troops. I’m worried she will do some drastic like threatening the General or other military leadership. Or she might go with more bribery to try and get the group better resources. All I really know, I don’t see things ending well for her by the end of this season. In fact I don’t see things ending well for anyone inside the walls by the end of Season 1.