Gosick : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

I swear I have watched this show before, but the list says I never had. So maybe I have watched a show with a similar premise before? Not sure, all I know is I feel like I’ve seen the kid discovers a girl that looks like a doll above a library in the past.

The show itself though, not sure what to make of it yet at all. Still need some time with the show to make any early ideas of it at all. None of the characters are really doing much at all for me. And the mystery was solved so fast it wasn’t a mystery. So don’t know what the draw is going to be, hope we find out soon.

Visually I don’t think it does anything special at all. It isn’t something that shows off or stands out in any way, and instead just blends in with other shows of the period. Same with the music and voice actors. Nothing is standing out at all. So hopefully the story can grab me at least, but it is only the 1st of 24 episodes so lots of time to build.

Categories: Anime