Metallic Rouge : Episode 6 & 7

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Yea, so by this point I’m completely lost. Like completely completely lost. So Naomi was essentially a spy working against Rouge’s agency, but was going along with things for some reason this whole time. Honestly that is what I really don’t get, why Naomi would go along with things for so long if she just captures Rouge in the end. Or was she just going along to see Rouge do the things she wasn’t supposed to, and than be able to capture her? Yea, I just don’t really understand where this is going at all.

I really enjoy this show, it just feels like a lot has happened in a very short period of time. And it was already confusing before this, so this just makes it even worse. Honestly what is it about anime originals that just seem to cause them to have terrible pacing? Anime originals never seem to get things right, which confuses me to no end every time.

But where is this all going in the end. It seems there is still multiple groups working against/with each other in the show. We have the circus guys and some of the neans trying to escape, possible some of the immortal nines doing the same. Jean who is using Rouge to gather the immortal nines cores, to do something with? Naomi’s organization who is now trying to stop both Rouge, the immortal nines, and the circus guys. And some other immortal nines who want nothing to do with anything at all.

And honestly, have no clue how this will all come to an end.