Golden Time : Episode 5

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

So yea, I wasn’t expecting Banri’s soul to have literally split from his body and just be following him around as a ghost. That was completely unexpected, and not where I thought this show was going at all. But it does open up the future possibility of the two becoming re-united again and Banri regaining his memories again. Gonna guess it is related to some healing of Banri’s mental connections or something that will let the two rejoin.

Also get more story of what is the relationship between Banri and Linda. They seem to have been close friends, and possibly even in a relationship or about to start one. Though what I don’t get is why Linda seemed scared to get close to Banri after the accident. Don’t understand why she didn’t just go and see him, and help him recover. But I get a feeling that this will cause issues with the growing relationship with Kouko in the future. At some point he will rejoin his soul and regain his memories, and which girl will he get with. Linda who he liked previously, or Kouko who has helped him recover recently.

Categories: AnimeFall 2013