The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess : Episode 3

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Well damn, the answers to the questions about Komari are being delayed another episode. After another encounter with Millicent we finally have the backstory and origin of the events. Some very major bulling that never got stopped, the mass murder event happened at the school involving Komari, and Millicent was involved in it along with Komari. Also seems pretty much confirmed that Komari is the one who caused the event, though I don’t know yet how.

But also there is apparently a terrorist group who wishes to bring back death to the planet. Which seems like an odd concept, but I kinda want to know if they have some actual reason for it. Sure Millicent is crazy and is mad people don’t actually die if she kills them. But I wonder if they have some deeper reason for it.

I also would love to get some more info on the rules and how the whole no death thing works. Does it only relate to premature deaths, so murder and accidents? But still allow for people to die natural deaths from old age and disease? Just wondering due to the whole population thing, would figure their would be major overpopulation issues if nobody ever died.

Categories: AnimeFall 2023