OVERTAKE! : Episode 2

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

For me this is a step back from episode 1. I just didn’t really enjoy the rather dull episode of somebody who knows nothing about motorsports trying to help sponsor a team. Would think you would at least google the question and look up some info about how much racing costs, before rushing into trying to help sponsor them. I can see that Kouya wants to help, but just do your own research before jumping into things. That type of thing just really annoys me, and makes me feel like the character is an idiot.

Meanwhile we got the backstory to Haruka, an it is rather tragic. Loosing both his parents when he was a kid. And wanting to follow in his fathers footsteps as a racing driver.

Really though I hope we get back to more of the racing soon, and get more general development to see were things are actually going. They don’t really have enough time to show off an entire season of racing, unless they do a ton of time skips. So I figure they are gonna focus on a minor goal, like seeing Haruka finish it first.

Categories: AnimeFall 2023