Attack on Titan Season 2 : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

So I’m coming off a season 1 that kinda disappointed me. I just didn’t love the show at all, but I figure I will give it another season at least. I want to see what as driven this to be such a massive franchise, that has such acclaim. And I’m even changing up my normal watching schedule, because otherwise I wouldn’t be getting to this show till 2027, and would have forgotten everything again.

Now season 2 I’ve pretty much never watched, and don’t remember anything about at all. So really am going in pretty much blind for this season. Think I watched like 3 episodes, and don’t remember anything about them at all.

Starting off, visuals and artstyle are the same with no changes. Still don’t think they look all that amazing at all, they are just fine. But don’t think they would ever win awards, or stand up to the best. Same goes for the music, it is fine.

Now the story, off to a big and surprising start. Got two different stories going on in this season already, along with everything they never finished in season 1. So they have a ton of stuff to work on, and I kinda feel like half of it will be forgotten and put off yet another season. But thus far we have titans in the walls, who apparently the church knows about. Not sure how that isn’t knowledge to anybody else. Going to also assume their is something about them seeing sunlight would wake them up and reactive them. Though I do wonder how they managed to capture them to start with to encase them, that seems very odd. Unless they did it willingly, humans would have had some major technological regressions otherwise.

Second part is honestly the bigger thing, that has far more implications. The new beast titan covered in fur, who is also intelligent and can speak. Along with apparently having a village or community he belongs to and is going to be returning to. It raises a ton more questions about the titans, only question is if it will be explained anytime soon.

I guess also another wall was breached. But given humans seem incapable of actually protecting and maintaining and repairing these walls, don’t really know if it means anything. There isn’t anything I can say about this new wall breach I didn’t say before.