Stella Women’s Academy, High School Division Class C3 : Episode 3

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

I know I said I would keep watching last episode, but I think I’m gonna drop this show. This just isn’t really what I would want from this style show. Which should be a cute girls doing cute things style show. Suddenly going with this super dark and serious feeling tone that just seems awkward. Like this is airsoft, it is meant to be a fun and enjoyable sport. Your supposed to play it for fun and enjoy yourself. So where did this sudden serious tone like this is some combat zone come from? The characters are talking like they actual lost people and lives, and not just lost some match.

I just don’t think this is what I wanted from this show at all. I wanted fun and lighthearted and enjoyable. Not something trying to make this fun thing super dark and serious.