The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

So lets just start with that animation and visuals, it seems to be rather controversial. And I can see why, it very heavily uses CGI in pretty much the entire thing. And after watching the entire episode, I think I like it. I really do think I like the way they have used CGI in the show. They have gone ahead and mixed CGI with traditional animation, and for the most part it works well. Outside of when they decide to do some fancy digital camera movements that felt rather odd and out of place. But as a whole, I think it really looks good. The backgrounds and random characters all look super sharp and detailed, the movement actually looks pretty natural, reflections look incredibly. I just think it works, and kinda gives me the vibes that I’ve wanted for awhile from anime. Something new actually utilizing modern technology to try and advance the style, and in a show and methods that it doesn’t normally get used it. It also helps it isn’t falling into the issue of low quality CGI and models, like everything is looking very high quality and detailed.

In the past I’ve said some CGI shows have looked like 360 era rpgs. With poor quality models and lighting and stiff movement and animation. But this, I honestly could believe this was a intro cut scene to some new jrpg. I just think it looks good, when they stop with the crazy digital camera work.

As for the actual show I guess, I liked the first episode. The source manga is something I just love, and really want to see it animated. I think it has a ton of potential. And I think the show has that potential as well, if people can get past those first 5ish minutes and the different style of animation in general.