ONIMAI: I’m Now Your Sister! : Episode 12

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Onimai is a fun show, and finished the last episode off fairly strong with the same style story it has been telling the entire time. This college age guy transformed into a middle school girl, and the various adventures and events that the group of friends do. And with this episode we get the classic hot springs episode, which I’ll also say it kinda ruined by the classic white fog. Whenever I see it happen in such amounts, which has now been twice in this show. I’m just kinda disappointed I’m not watching the bluray version in a couple months with all that removed, when I can actually watch a show and not just white. The white fog just isn’t a very clever or good looking method to sensor this types of episodes.

It is nice they finished the season with Mahiro transforming partially back into a male. I guess it was a good moment to make everyone remember who Mahiro technically is. Along with I guess bringing up the question again of how this entire series would eventually end in the manga, but who knows. I liked the show enough.