Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte : Episode 11

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

While this is a show I really love, because I love the source material. It is a very enjoyable story with a bunch of happy endings. This anime really should have had a couple more episodes. It just is trying to fit far too much content into 12 episodes, and in the end I don’t think it will work at all. This final episode has to wrap up the entire story around Kuon and the other world, finish the romance between Kobayashi and Endou, and wrap things up in the other world. It just won’t be a very good ending, and will just be incredibly rushed.

It is just one of those shows that suffer immensely from so many anime still sticking to the traditional 12 episode structure. It really needed at least 15 episodes I’d say to really tell the complete story. And even that wouldn’t be complete, because they could easily expand on various things that even the light novel didn’t really go into depth with nearly enough.

It is just disappointing. When you know something could have so much more potential and end so much better. But just isn’t going to. Oh well, final rating will end up just being go read the light novel I guess.