Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte : Episode 10

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Wow, they are really pushing this out yet another episode. It honestly makes me a bit disappointed, because they are just not going to finish adapting the rest of the novel I guess. I haven’t seen an announcement for a second season or some OVA’s, so that will end up being a tad disappointing.

If they wanted to, they could expand on some aspects of the novel if they did give the show more episodes. The light novel has a fair bit of character and world story that just isn’t told, and kinda just left open for the reader to understand themselves. Stuff like why Fiene feels like she has done this before, or how she is so powerful right from the start. Lots of stuff is implied, just never told to the reader directly.