Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save the World : Episode 8

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

Finally caught back up with the anime, but also caught up with were I’ve read the source material to. The managa got axed with the events at the casino. And haven’t progressed to this point in the light novel yet. So technically this is new content for me.

But I am really starting to question were this story is going this season, and if things will actually come together into something by the end. Thus far the entire season has just felt pretty pointless to be honest. Sure the main group is technically closer than they were before, but they don’t feel like great friends or an amazing group that stands out. There is no big overall threat they are dealing with or working towards stopping. And none of these individual episodes actually seem to be progressing anything at all. I just get this general feeling the story hasn’t really moved since like episode 3, and that is kinda disappointing.

Also man the animation in this show is just so lacking. It really isn’t a good looking show.