My Master Has No Tail : Episode 13
Current Episode Score: 6
This was certainly a satisfying final episode for the show, and somehow I doubt we will ever see another season of it. It just never seemed to get all that much excitement or great reviews unfortunately. Because despite me not ranking that high, I really did enjoy the show. It has ended up being pretty closely an exact adaption of the manga. But it also does exactly what I expect from a manga adaption, make it better in some way. Justify its existence outside of just being another way to enjoy the content you enjoy.
And in that aspect the show just nailed it completely. The voice actors did an absolutely amazing job at every single one of the rakugo scenes. The manga always felt kinda dull during those moments, your just reading these moments that are supposed to have masters acting them out. And I just couldn’t imagine that at all in my head, were as the anime has done just that. Has placed some actual feeling and impact to these stories and made them come to life.
In general I liked the show, and would totally recommend it.