Raven of the Inner Palace : Full Review

Published by ThyMrMan on

Full Season Score: 6

My quick review would have to say this is a pretty decent period drama, with some mystical elements involved as well. With reincarnation and magic and spirits and such. It has plenty that could be exciting or interesting, and plenty of ways it could develop. But I can’t say it ever really did do all that much for me. I left each episode just kinda disappointed, or feeling like I wish more was happening in the story. More progress was happening, or more story was being given.

Generally the show followed a pretty simple theme, solving a different event or mystery each episode or every 2 episodes about. And those events are vaguely related to a larger main story that is being told over the season. It worked well enough, each story was interesting and enjoyable. And none of them I really hated in any way. But I do feel like they weren’t strong enough to develop a main story really, a main story existed and was wrapped up. But it felt very much like an afterthought, and didn’t have nearly as much development as I would have hoped.

Much of the development that happened involved the main character, Raven Consort Jusetsu getting closer to a couple main servants along with the Emperor Koushun. On the Emperor side of things, it seems like it will eventually lead to some form of romance in the future. But at the moment is really isn’t anything I would call romance, more like a close friendship at the most. As for her servants we have Jiujiu and Ishiha who end up assisting her pretty closely. Along with the main security guards of Sei, Kai, and Kei. All of them have various roles to play, from being general enuchs to attendants. But I can’t say any of them had all that much development at all over the story, they are largely the same characters from the start to finish. With the except perhaps being Ishiha who Jusetsu directly assisted and allowed to join her side.

All of this is presented with some decent visuals, it never hurts the show by being bad I would say. But I don’t know if it ever takes that next step to looking really good. It kinda just hits that average point that I would say the show is just fine. Though the visual style is a bit different than most shows, so it does have that going for it.

Something I don’t really have anything to say about are the voice actors or the music in the show. I don’t think any of it really stood out in any way to me. The OP and ED was just fine, but not something I would seek out to watch separately from the show.

Honestly all together it was a perfectly fine show. I don’t think it does anything special, nor would most people seek it out to watch and enjoy. But if you wander into the show during a rewatch of the Fall 2022 season, you could do worse.