Housing Complex C : Episode 4

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 5

Ok, so Kimi was a good and keeping the entire housing complex c in a perpetual time loop that lasted 20 years making it seem like it was still the year 2000. So that she could enjoy the people and life that it gave her temporarily. Attempting to find something worthwhile in humans and a reason to support them I guess. She than introduces new people to adjust the time loop and see how the people reaction, and start to get annoyed how they cannot get along, and how petty the arguments are.

In the meantime, the Koshide family is slaughtering people. With the hopes that by doing so they will please their god and be resurrected to go to heaven. This all comes to an end with the final episode when they slaughter most of the complex.

So Kimi gets tired and annoyed that her enjoyment over the past 20 years has truly been ended. Partly because of the pettiness of the humans arguing over pointless things when she tries in introduce something new. But really because the Koshide family has destroyed the peace in the complex. And after killing the members of the Koshide family, she decides to stop the time loop and return the complex to the state it should be in and leaves. Leaving only Kan-chan behind because of his magic stone, or perhaps because he was the only one who stuck with Kimi.

Ugh, the show had potential I would say. They could have done something interesting with the concept and expanded upon it further. Built up more characters and a better mystery that you could actually have a chance to solve. But with only 4 episodes, they really couldn’t do anything. You don’t have enough time to really grow attached to the characters to understand the mystery. Which makes this an original, and not a manga or light novel adaption even odder. You get that feeling that parts of the story have just been skipped and rushed because of the short length, and that you could potentially go to the source for the full story. Which of course doesn’t exist. A disappointment I can say, but at least it was short.

Categories: AnimeFall 2022