Raven of the Inner Palace : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

I didn’t really know what to make of this show coming into it. I don’t know anything of the source Light Novel at all, never even heard of it before. But it falls into a setting that I’ve enjoyed in the past, that more traditional Japanese culture. Of course with a tinge of magic and mystery to make things a bit interesting.

But right off the start I’m interested and want to learn more. The Emperor is a very strong character with strong morals it seems, which I seem to remember being a rather uncommon trait of pretty much any Emperor in any country. So he is immediately a pretty unique character. And of course the Raven Consort herself, has a very striking personality and some internal conflicts. It seems she was raised to behave in a very strict and rigid manor that fits the position, while her actual personality is much different and cheerful than the one she needs to put on for the position. Of course the reveal at the end with her hair color will just make things that much more interesting, I wonder if this is some effect of being touched by a supernatural being in the past. Or if she is just naturally very blond/silver haired and hides it to fit the Raven Consort appearance her predecessor had.

Meanwhile the actual mystery seems to be what the major plot points will be. Various arcs over the show that have the Raven Consort figuring out the solution via a combination of intelligence and magic. And along the way growing closer to the Emperor. Don’t know if that will actually develop into anything serious or not, will be interesting to see.

Unfortunately I doubt we will get through too much Light Novel content in this show. Trying to adapt a 7 book series is a major undertaking that they don’t have the episodes for. So I wouldn’t be shocked if this covers just a single volume of the original novel, and maybe and extra arc from the second volume. That is if they want to do it in a satisfying way that is. But I will be watching this show to see how it goes, and hoping for the best.

Categories: AnimeFall 2022