Summer Time Rendering: Episode 22
Current Episode Score: 8
While it was obvious that this wasn’t gonna be the end of the fight, the issue is what comes next. What comes after you seem to kill Haine and defeat the main boss. Well of course you learn the main boss wasn’t actually the main boss. Shide is still around, and still fighting. And I can’t help but think back to that earlier comment that Shide was the actual boss and controlling Haine. It is possible Haine was never evil or bad, and never actually wanted to kill anybody at all. After-all when we first saw her, she was nice and peaceful and relatively happy. Than suddenly something happened and she changed. And that is something we have never gotten an explanation to yet, what happened to change Haine. Taking this question to the logical conclusion, it has to be something that Shide did to her. What that something is I’m not sure, but Shide changed Haine in some way and enhanced the negative feelings and properties of Haine and forced her to split.
Now looking at the episode count, we still have 3 more episodes to go. So for my prediction of how this ending will go. Next episode I’m guessing we get another loop, Shinpei learns something about Haine that requires him interacting with her directly earlier. Or to make some change to the method they are using at the last moment to defeat Shide. After he loops we get a bit more fighting at the end of ep23. With ep24 being the main fight when they finally defeat Shide and Haine for good. And the final episode is fixing things, though I don’t know what that will actually be. I don’t think Ushio will disappear when Haine and Shide are killed, nor do I think Shadow Mio will disappear. I’m pretty sure Ushio’s abilities are strong enough and similar enough to Haine that she can survive without her. But I don’t actually know what the final will be, I don’t know how many will be lost or if Shinpei will try some world jumping to get a better ending and save everyone.