Love, Election and Chocolate : Episode 10

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

I am incredibly confused and lost as to how this show has developed into this. Like have I just missed all the signs of this early on in the show. I don’t believe so, but it is just all so odd. To suddenly through into the story this whole plot about how the public security for the school is actually some clandestine organization who has spies keeping track of important figures and clubs. And works in secret to make things happen that help keep the students in-line and keep the peace. Like this is all just so damn strange.

And also, this is supposed to just be a high school. Sure we haven’t actually seen anyone go to an actual class before. But still. Honestly I have to stop and wonder if maybe the author wanted to tell a much different story, with adult characters and some police state mystery going on. But didn’t think it would sell, so instead merged it with a high school story. Because that is really what this show is feeling like now.

You swap out the massive school that seems to have everything people need to survive with-in the campus, for a massive city that has the same vibes. Everything seems good and fine on the surface, but just under the surface you have conspiracy and corruption. You have the financial aid students who are forced to work the factories at night, and anybody who attempts to change the status quo for these students has spies and accidents happen to them, they just happen to loose elections and popularity. Of course they are your equivalent of a struggling working class, who technically make enough to survive in the city but will never leave or disrupt the status quo, and work constantly to create the goods that the people in power use to stay in power. Secret organizations that exist with-in the city/school to control the population and keep control and peace, who get rid of people who might cause trouble.

Like I can’t not see this as a much different story now. And of course I don’t know how it plays out in the VN, but I could see it actually working. I don’t think it works in the anime, it is just too sudden for me. You don’t have enough foreshadowing I don’t think, outside of maybe the poor treatment of financial aid students. But if the VN is longer, and you have foreshadowing and hints, things are just strange and odd. And as you progress the game and various character routes you end up learning more. Maybe the first 2 romance options are pretty standard, but once you unlock them you can romance the characters that show more of the secrets and details of the story and world. With it all being revealed with whoever the final romance option is and the true ending. Like yea, I could see it working.