Space Brothers : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

Eh, I don’t really know. I might not keep watching this show to be honest. It has a really high average score, and a ton of episodes that could just slowly watch for a long time. But nothing is grabbing me at all. The main character Mutta, just is really dull and uninteresting to me. And just not somebody I feel like I would want to spend nearly 40hours watching.

And the whole set-up for why Mutta is unemployed, and therefor looking for a job is just silly. If this guy really did just design an award winning car that is very popular and selling well, than no company would just let him go after 1 incident. And if they did somebody else would grab him up real quick. It just feels like a super stupid set-up.

I’ll give it a couple more episodes, occasionally watching when I get some time. Maybe something will grow on me, but I’m not hopeful.