Natsume’s Book of Friends 4 : Episode 13

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

Natsume season 4 is now done, only 2 more seasons to go before I’m caught up. And given the next season didn’t come out till 2016, it will be many years till I watch it. In general I liked this season as much as the previous seasons, and at the same time I have the same issues I had with those. I never really feel like anything progresses during the show. the progress is just so slow that it feels like nothing ever happens. I keep expecting that we will get to see Natsume and friends really grow and change one of these seasons, and it never happens of course.

I just wonder how long they can keep this same basic idea going. Like it must still be decent if it is up to season 6 with 2 movies. But eventually they will have to move the characters along in some new way to just change the story to give themselves something new to animate.