Guilty Crown: Episode 18

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 5

Looking at this show, I am just so disappointed with how this has developed. At various times this show has had a decent amount of potential, and it just never capitalized on it and just fell on it’s face time and time again.

The characters have never been amazing, but they have show some amount of growth over the various episodes and events. They have definitely changed and are no longer the same characters they started out as.

The visuals are nothing outstanding, but never terrible or detracting at all. And the fight scenes are well done and you do want to see more of these big battles happen and follow the action. Being backed up by some really good music during these fights really help as well.

But the story man, the story is just so poorly paced and developed as a result. Never do these major events feel like they have had anywhere close to the proper amount of development for how large they are. It always feels sudden and unexplained, and I’m left to wonder why? You have an original anime unconstrained by a light novel or manga. You have a whole bunch of episodes in 22 to create an really amazing story. So much time could have been given to the development of factions and characters and leading up to various major events. Instead they seem to forget how many episodes they have, and just kinda skip development to quickly get to the next event.

Categories: AnimeFall 2011