The Aquatope on White Sand : Episode 24

Published by ThyMrMan on

And this show has finally ended, took me ahead to finally get to the end. It just completely lost me in this 2nd half, everything fell apart and just never recovered. It is a shame, it had such a good start that it stumbled so hard. I honestly would rather have had this been a single cour, and just had a good finishing episode to that.

In the end I feel like nothing developed enough to justify that second cour at all. Character relationships ended up just dead ending after that final episode of the first cour. No more episodes focusing on a character, or building them together as a team, or overcoming challenges. The magic was completely forgotten about and never explained, with only 2 short scenes to remind everyone it still existed at the very end. It disappointed me.

That pretty much sums up my thoughts, this disappointed me. I was hoping for something more, I was hoping for a PA Works anime that finally once again grabbed my like Hanasaku Iroha did many years ago. And each time I watch one I come away just disappointed. Oh well, maybe the next one will do it for me finally.