The Aquatope on White Sand : Episode 22

Published by ThyMrMan on

Getting close to the end, and we had a pretty good episode. No aggressive boss, or overworked employees. Just the characters having a chance to talk and enjoy their time together. They were able to interact and have more of the slice of life stuff from the first half that I really liked.

But that is the point that everything falls apart for me. 2 episodes are all that remain, and I still don’t know how this can end in a satisfying way that wraps up the various stories and characters. So much feels like it got put on pause during this second half, and was never continued at all. Vague romance and feels have been forgotten. The cast has been expanded, but really none of them have had personal episodes about them or been expanded on. Meanwhile the original group just feels forgotten about.

This is coming up to be a rather poor ending.