UN-GO: Episode 7

Published by ThyMrMan on

I do not understand were this has all come from at all. Or were this whole thing is going. From the very start I haven’t really understood this show, and this whole thing does not help.

The issues all stem from the supernatural stuff, that still has no explanation or hint of reasoning behind it. And when those supernatural things are limited to a singe character changing forms and forcing confessions, I can kinda go with it. It is a rather cheap story element used to end the mystery quickly and cleanly. But now we are getting more supernatural stuff, now somebody who can force people into waking dreams and playing out a story he crafts, for some reason? And if the show opened this way I would be fine with this. But it didn’t it is opening with this in episode 7 when it is already half-way done. So by this point I have thrown out any chance the supernatural elements get a good explanation or follow-up at all, and that this whole arc will just feel super out of place.

I think it will go down as one of those shows that had potential, but just doesn’t really know what it wants to do. And doesn’t pace itself good enough to make everything satisfying and well done. Couple more episodes, so maybe it will shock me. But I doubt that.

Categories: AnimeFall 2011