Pokémon Horizons : Episode 47

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

Yea things are really starting to feel like generic pokemon already, with the 2nd episode of this arc being a gym battle. It is fine, just not really what I expect at all from this show at this point. And I honestly never loved the pokemon battles in the shows at all, they are just so nonsensical. Really is no logic or constancy at all in them, and they kinda just make somebody win based on where the story needs to go. Which is fine, just not really what I’ve ever wanted from battles at all. I would love to see an animated series that actually treats the battles like a logic puzzle or challenge, with everyone needing to swap around pokemon and skills and necessary to deal with the next threat.

Also I honestly feel bad for Sango. Like sure she is put off to be one of the antagonists and all that, but half the interactions they have had recently seem to be her just wanting some treat. And just not being able to get it for one reason or another.

But it also kinda leads into one of my main issues with the overall story and the antagonists of the show, I don’t really know what they are doing. Or why I should feel anything for them at all. They haven’t really done anything to make me dislike or hate them at all. They are just a group of roughly affiliated people, most of which I don’t even know what they are a part of it. Trying to catch a legendary pokemon using any method available. Don’t really know, I just don’t feel like they are very strong antagonists.