Attack on Titan Season 2 : Episode 11
Current Episode Score: 7
Pretty much just a bunch of fighting titans, really didn’t gain much information that we didn’t already know this episode. Also once again the humans are somehow completely ineffective at actually fighting titans. That is gonna be my personal running comment about the series, how they just never get better. We don’t see the chase stop until they run into a bunch of titans which brings everything to a stop.
Also ended up getting Eren back this episode, and I guess the final episode will be the last confrontation here. And I don’t really know how this is gonna play out. At the very least it is 2 against one, if Ymir stays out of the conflict that is. Along with all the other random titans hanging out in the area as well. Honestly can’t say if I think this will be a satisfying spot to end this season off at or not.