Otherside Picnic : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Didn’t have a clue what I was getting into with this show. It had a unique poster and interesting description so decided to give it a shot. And, I think I am pleased with the first episode. But it wasn’t without any issues of course

Right from the start I like the characters and the world they have thrown us into. It feels like it will be an interesting world to explore with these characters as they try to survive their encounters with the creatures that inhabit this “Otherside” world. I did have an issue with the pacing of this first episode though. I felt like some things ended up being skipped over or rushed a bit to get to the second meeting with the first episode monster. And I’m hoping we will come back around to in episode 2 and get more detail and explanation on.

Visually the show is a mixed bag for me due to the hideous CGI parts. They tried to mix low budget CGI with some decent enough hand drawn stuff that just doesn’t work together. It makes it super obvious when they switch between the two. But on the positive side I love many of the VA’s they have, so looking forward to hearing them as it goes on.

Categories: Anime