Arpeggio of Blue Steel : Episode 9
Current Episode Score: 7
Rather big episode, with some deception going on from Iona and Gunzou. Basically by forcing Kongou to come to terms and show a bit of her emotions she wanted to deny existed. Of course they kinda forgot that the two other submarines were also out to get them I guess. Honestly while their are plenty of emotions going on with this show. And conflict between the fog and humans and mental models developing emotion. I don’t really know when to be afraid for characters, and worried about them getting in serious trouble.
I don’t have any reference for when a mental model dies, seems to be as long as the core survives they are fine. But also without any concept of the nano materials, or how they produce them. There is a confusing aspect around how they heal and replenish themselves. There is just a whole bunch of context about the world I really wish I had.
I still also find the beginning of the show very strange. Even this episode Iona is talking about events that happened to let her advance to this stage. But none of that is know to the watcher, we didn’t see those events. We don’t know anything about Iona, any of the crew members, and only a small about about Gunzou. I really wish they had given more time at the beginning to better explain everyone.