The Kingdoms of Ruin : Episode 3

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 5

Yea this is gonna be a drop from me. If you set up the show about some human using magic getting revenge, we should see some revenge. And yet in 3 episodes, he has done basically nothing and than died? Or whatever happened their with the fake body that I really don’t understand. How did he plot for 10 years for this to happen, and he couldn’t come up with a single good plan at all for revenge. I can’t help but feel like they are trying to set up a plot in which Adonis learns he is wrong, and can’t hate all the humans or something and needs to do something to protect them eventually.

But I just don’t care. This isn’t a good show at all. And I’ve got far too many other shows to watch to waste time on terrible shows.

Categories: AnimeFall 2023